Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Halftime Show

We had a really fun time at our friends Sarah & Josh's for the Superbowl. We had a bring your own topping pizza party & all of the pizzas were so good. Thanks to William for coming & putting all of the pizzas together. Great Job. We were pretty stuffed in their house but I think a fun time was had by all. All of the pics I took are in a slideshow but I took a little video of Sonny & Maddison dancing during the halftime show. I think they were way more entertaining than the real halftime show. Kids are fun!!


summerseverydaymoments said...

So cute!Well Tiffany is in California with hubby they live in roseville she is a art teacher there.Lacie lives with my parents with her new husband and boys!Brandi lives in Utah with her hubby and she is going to nurseing school! Chase is in North Carolina at Fort brag he is special forces he is married and they just had their first baby boy in Oct. Niki lives with my parents with her little boy Ethan he is 4 months younger than my Sierra. I should give you my email

maroon6464 said...

Very cute sorry we missed out.