Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Goals

So I was talking with my good friend Karen F. yesterday & I came up with a new plan for myself. I told her that we should pick a day & devote it to reading Church material. Each week on that day I will put aside all of my other reading materials & pick up the Scriptures & other Church material & read & study. All the other days I can read & listen to anything else I want to but on this day I willput forth the effort to gain more knowledge & grow closer to my Heavenly Father. No, I did not choose Sunday. I actually chose Monday. I chose Monday because I wanted to get started on it right away & I'm also trying to do better at FHE. So, I did it!!! I read the Sunday School lesson & also looked over my sharing time lesson for this Sunday. I will still have to go back to it because I didn't come up with anything (I am a last minute planner) yet. I just wanted to share this with all of you because I know how hard it is to set aside time to read our scriptures. This is just something that I'm going to do & thank goodness I was talking to my friend & actually had the idea come to me. If I hadn't been talking to her, maybe the idea would not have come my way. I know it's the beginning of a new year with goals & all, but I've been thinking about this for a long time. I want to be closer to the Spirit & I think that this is a step in the right direction. So, wish me luck & ask me how I'm doing so that I can keep myself on track.

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