Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Umi Goggles

So....Sonny has discovered goggles. But these are not just any goggles...they are "Umi Goggles".
You know...the kind from UmiZoomi!!
He loves these things & I just think it's so cute that he associated them with the show. He likes to just wear them around & he'll wear them swimming too.
Well...this particular night he wanted to wear them in the bath & I thought, what the I let him.
I tried doing the goggle thing with Blake when he was little to keep the water out of his eyes but it never seemed to work. On this particular night & this particular kid, it worked like a charm!! It was fun & we didn't have to stop to wipe his eyes every time the water got in. My little bugger wouldn't hold still long enough for a decent picture get the idea.

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