Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!! I'm grateful for a new year & all it has to bring. I know that we will be hitting more rough spots before the real calm actually comes but, thank goodness for family.
We had so much fun at Blake's party last night. He's a lucky little boy to have so many people to love him. We had Bryan & Kimi over along with Nick & Hailee later & played Catan. That game is so fun. Then Brad, Bryan & Kimi turned all the lights off & played with light sabers in the dark. I taped it but don't know how it turned out. It was so funny.
I hope & pray that I can continue to improve this next year. I plan to do more to draw closer to the Lord & strengthen my own testimony while trying to teach my precious little boys. I plan to be a better wife & mom. I plan to declutter. This may take some time but I know it will help me so much. I really don't need so much stuff. I also plan to get in shape. I keep putting it off but I really want to do it. Line upon line. Wish me luck. And good luck to all of you with you goals.

1 comment:

Pink Petunia Designs said...

I love all of your resolutions. They sound similar to mine too. Life seems to speed by us so quick, that I feel like the kids are growing up so quickly and I am missing out on all the fun things. Good luck with the decluttering. It's rough but I am determined. I got my albums at Michaels when I had a 40% off coupon. I wanted to stay with an all black theme. They have a few differnet varieties but all pretty good. Thanks for the cool background idea. I love being able to change it up a bit. Let me know if you guys are going to do little league