Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kids say the darndest Things

When I picked up Blake today his teacher said that 5 minutes before class he just burst out in tears. He said he was tired. His teacher said he did get put in time out during "center time" because he was being chatty. She didn't make a big deal about it, so no big deal. On the way home I asked Blake if he was tired & he said No. So I asked him why he started crying. He said it started with the other teacher & he was very MAD at her for putting him in time out & that 2 kids were just being really MEAN to him today. He said he wasn't being mean. Then he said "they were trying to not make him smart by sucking all of his brain power." Funny stuff. I asked him if he answers a lot of questions & he said, "sort of." That's my kid for ya. I love him, & all the crazy stuff he comes up with.


maroon6464 said...

I love it, kids are funny I so glad I have sophie she warms my heart I can't wait until she starts to talk.

1384 n said...
