Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's Just a Name......

So I went to the bank today & had what I think was an interesting moment so I will share. After I gave my account # Colt asked, "Shannon?" And I said yes & then said, "you hope, right? You'd hope my parents didn't name me Brad." Then Colt proceeded to say, "It's just a name." And that was the end of our conversation except for the casual have a nice day & so forth. But as I walked out I thought, "just a name? No way!! It's my name & I think it's the best name/sound that I could ever hear." I mean, think about it for a second. Your name was specially picked out for you by parents who thought long & hard about what would be the perfect name. It's not just a name. I mean, doesn't it make you smile when you hear someone say your name? Especially when you think that people may not remember you in the 1st place. It always makes me feel so good. Yes, there are people who do not like their names, but I like mine & I don't think of it a just a name/word. Some people I think overthought the process of a name but all the same, they thought long & hard about what would be the most perfect name. Your name is a gift that should be treasured even if it's what's considered plain or unique. You make you, & people remember you by your name & what you do or did. So let's all remember that our names are special & it's NOT just a name. Besides, I think that his name "Colt" was kind of cool.


OLIVIA said...

I used to hate my name! I was always called "olive" in elementary school which I thought was so horrible. Now I love my name...and lo and behold it made it to the top 10 favorite names this year! And I love olives I'll be happy to answer to either!

summerseverydaymoments said...

Amen Sister!!!

Chuck Livingston said...

Glad you like your name.

Natasha said...

I like your name to. I love mine and hate when people shorten it alot like to tosh or something. I like the name Tasha because that's what a grew up with but I am sure you know what I mean there are certain nick names you like and others you hate.