Monday, March 2, 2009

T-ball Practice

T-ball for Blake started just a couple weeks ago. He's on a new team with all new coaches & all new players. I was a little disappointed about that but it's ok. He's doing really well already. He's wearing his Red's hat from last year. Hopefully we get the uniform stuff before Opening Day & pictures!! Oh, I'm sure we will!! He's on the A's this year. Here's a couple of photos from the last practice & video. Oh, did I mention that there are a million mosquitoes at practice. What, with the wet weather & the stagnant water out on the field & all. Just gotta remember the repellent.

Here he is walking in from the outfield.
Waiting for his next turn to bat.

Here's a couple of videos of him batting!!!

1 comment:

OLIVIA said...

You are such a good mom attending T-ball practices. I am so dreading that aspect of parenthood. I'd rather send Sam or wait in the car...can you do that? Okay, I'd probably go...and just bring a book!