Friday, January 23, 2009

Good Mom or Bad Mom

Ever since we moved the Playstation 2 into Blake's room & he got games for Christmas, he always wants to play. Of course, who can blame him. All the Legos games are so addicting. Well he woke up today around 7:15 (yes, I know it's early) & I told him I didn't want him to play all day because I didn't want his brain to rot. (yes, my exact words). He laughed & thought it was funny & then what do I do? I then ask him if he wants to watch TV. What's the difference, I ask myself? Well, video games should be a privilige, not an expected thing. TV should be a privilege too. Oh well, nobody's perfect.


Natasha said...

thats ok some days are like that. just so much easier to watch t.v then anything else

maroon6464 said...

Well, I'm with you. I hope Sophie will not be like her dad. Let's hope.