Ok, my crafty friends. I'm posting about a new blog I've found.
It's called A Little Tipsy...... http://alittletipsy.blogspot.com.
I've posted the button on my sidebar too. It's about tips of any kind: lots of crafts & the gal is a little clumsy hence the name "Tipsy". Go check it out, She's having a giveaway right now. It's very cute & I've already gotten some good ideas. Have fun!!
Ok, I seriously need so major HELP. How do I link to the sites? You know, where most people say click here & it takes you there. I cannot figure it out. Please someone HELP me so I can get things right. Anyone, please leave me a comment so I can be a bletter blogger. THANKS!!
Cute Shannon, I am always here to help! Go to edit post, highlight the word you want to hyperlink, then in the toolbar there is a little button that looks like a world with a chain link on it, click it. Enter the web address in the pop up window and click ok.
Cool site! I added it to my list on my blog!! Another one you might like is called Tip junkie!!
check this one out for FHE ideas!!
Hey, there.
O.k. did you figure out how to link yet. If not let me know and I will give you a call and walk you through it!
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