Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4th of July CRAFT

On July 1st I was feeling a little CrAfTy!! I wanted the kids to do something fun & it was really hot outside so I went to one of my favorite crafty blogs & found an easy project for the boys to do. These are homemade fireworks & the boys had tons of FUN!!
It's really easy. You just use toilet paper tubes or paper towel tubes & tape some pipe cleaner to the top (so it looks like a wick) & let them paint whatever they want. I gave them red, white & blue to stay in the theme. You can also put bubble wrap on the inside but I didn't do that. My kids ♥ to paint but they usually have only water colors so this was a real treat especially for Blake. He loves to use Mom's paints. I really need to invest in kid friendly paint & just let them have at it...outside not inside. Hahaha.
Blake painting.

Here's Colby's

Here's the finished product. It was fun. Sonny actually did 2. Not something I kept but it was something fun to do besides watching TV.

1 comment:

OLIVIA said...

My favorite crafts are inexpensive (or free) and easy! I love your blog background too!