Monday, May 10, 2010

Alicia's Temple Day & Blake goes to Urgent Care

My sister Alicia (above) who is just 3 months younger than me (combined families) went through the Temple for the 1st time about 1 week ago!!  It was so exciting.  Good thing I saw that my stepmom mentioned she was going to the Temple with her daughter or I never would've known.  Crazy!!  I found out just in time & was lucky enough to not have anything else scheduled that night.  Thank Goodness!!!  I talked to Alicia & it was so funny because she said if I wasn't there she would've been mad & I said that if I found out about it later I would've been hurt.  Kinda funny but the powers that be made it known to me & I was able to be there for her on this special day.  I must say it was wonderful.  It was probably the 1st time I've been to the Temple in a long time that I didn't have major things weighing me down & I was able to just enjoy being there & I wasn't really there searching for answers.  It was lovely & I was just so happy!!
Our parents were there, Amelia (baby sis) & her husband Erick, good friends Amber & Matt & some other extended family members were there in support of this special day.  It's so awesome to go to the Temple & have so many family members there too.
Before the Temple session we got together at our parents house for an early family dinner.  When Blake got home from school that day he fell asleep on the recliner.  This is very unusual for him but I just thought he was tired because he woke up a couple times the night before.  So off we went to my parents house.
It was fun & we had Hawaiian Haystacks (a girls camp fave) & had a nice time visiting.  We headed home after a little bit & Blake was just super tired & really wanted to go to bed.  So we decided to get the kids was only 6:00....very early.  Blake really wanted me to read to him & read the Scriptures before I left so I did & then I took the bandaid off of a scrape he had on his knee.  Ooohhh!!  It looked pretty nasty.  I cleaned it up & it was not only gross but his entire knee was red.  After some thought & a blessing & a 2nd opinion by my dad I had Brad take him to the Urgent Care.  Good thing he took him because he had a pretty bad infection....Cellulitis....he had to get 2 shots & some antibiotics & they drew a circle around his kneecap & said if the redness continued outside of it he needed to be seen again.  Thank goodness Brad was home & able to take him in while I was out at the Temple.  If he had not been home I would have taken him myself & my sister would have understood.  I'm so glad that I have a husband that is there to help out in parental responsibilities :)  Anyway,  I ended up taking him to his regular doctor & she gave him a 2nd RX & missed 2 days of school.  The 2 rx's were able to bring down the swelling quickly...thank goodness.  So Blake is fine & just finished up his 10 days of icky antibiotics.  I never took any pics....but it was gross & now the scab is gone & he's got pink fresh skin.  What a day & weekend!!!
Ok...this is horrible lighting..
.my camera only likes outdoor in the daylight it seems...
but this is me & Alicia after her session in the Temple. 
I'm so happy for her making this step in her life.

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