Well...here it is!!!
Brad got a salt water fish tank.
He kept buying fish for his brother's tank & then he finally got one himself. As much as I wish he wouldn't have spent the $$ on this I'm warming up to it. We've only had it for 4 days but everyone has to sit & watch what's going on. Kind of like a new TV. So...I've been able to shut the TV off more during the day & that's nice. Bryan gave us the starfish & the crab & then Brad bought the snail & clown fish. It's actually really cool to watch the whole world in there. The crab has major personality & it's cool to watch him switch from shell to shell. He always picks the one that's too heavy but has lots of points on it & then I suppose he gets tired & switches to the lighter one. All in all I think this is pretty cool. I am a fan of animals that I don't necessarily have to touch but can watch from a distance so this is perfect for me. And Brad spends a lot of time going to the pet stores to figure out what's best for our new tank & the creatures inside.
(do you like how the remote control is sitting right next to the tank...hahaha)